Remote Dial-in




New to Remote access etc. Just wondering what Remote Dial-in does. Does it only allow you access to dial in to your corporate network and have access to your shared files/folder

cos i've just had one setup by myself at home now. Did a remote dial-in to my 2003 Server connected to a phone line and did a remote dial in to the server 2003 with my laptop and infrared modem running WinXP

Bill Grant

What exactly is the question? Did you succeed in connecting? Can you
ping the server by IP address? If the server is running DNS, you should be
able to browse the server using net view \\servername from the client.

Peter Williams said:

New to Remote access etc. Just wondering what Remote Dial-in does. Does it
only allow you access to dial in to your corporate network and have access
to your shared files/folder?
cos i've just had one setup by myself at home now. Did a remote dial-in to
my 2003 Server connected to a phone line and did a remote dial in to the
server 2003 with my laptop and infrared modem running WinXP

Sharoon Shetty K [MSFT]

With dial up remote access, a remote client uses the telecommunications
infrastructure [e.g. analog modem] to creare a virtual connection to a port
on the remote access server. Once the connection is established, the remote
access server provides the remote client with an IP. Now the remote clients
can access the shared files on the server and network behind the server.

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Peter Williams said:

New to Remote access etc. Just wondering what Remote Dial-in does. Does it
only allow you access to dial in to your corporate network and have access
to your shared files/folder?
cos i've just had one setup by myself at home now. Did a remote dial-in to
my 2003 Server connected to a phone line and did a remote dial in to the
server 2003 with my laptop and infrared modem running WinXP

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