Remote Desktop Random Mouse Events


Pat Brown

I have just recently started using the Windows XP remote desktop client
and server to access my main development system (in the next room)
remotely. While on the remote system, I do a lot of coding and reply to
work emails.

I normally connect to the remote system with the client in full screen
mode. I have been seeing a problem where my cursor spontaneously jumps
about every minute or two. Sometimes, it's a different location in the
same window; sometimes, it's an all new window. But it's been driving
me crazy. I've been trying to figure out what's going on, and have
determined that the behavior is consistent with a mouse click happening
when the glitches occur (i.e., the cursor jumps to the mouse pointer).
But I'm not touching the mouse at that time.

Are there any known issues similar to this? I've done some web searches
and have come up empty.

I have not been able to replicate the problem when running the remote
desktop client in windowed mode, or if I set the keyboard setting for
windows key combinations to "on the local computer". (I haven't run in
either of these modes for extended periods of time yet, so I wouldn't
conclude that no problem exists there.)

I've never seen anything like the problem I describe when running
locally on either system.

Any help would be appreciated.



Since it changes depending on full-screen or windowed, have you tried
reducing the hardware accelaration on your Video? I remember there used to
be an option for that, and one of the reasons to slow it down was if you had
mouse problems.

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