Remote Desktop Crashes Vista machin logged into


Hugh G. Johnson

Recently after 20 minutes or so of working on my office computer (running
Vista Ultimate) via Remote Desktop my office computer will crash. I've
logged into it from a XP Pro and using Vista Business and the experience is
the same. My screen RD screen locks up or after a while will try to
re-connect. Upon reconnecting the office computer says it's recovered from a

I can't find any KBs or trying the Problem Reports thing is useless. Anyone
know anything of this?

Here's what the Problem Reports and Solutions says when I logging to the
actual computer:

Problem caused by Windows Vista

This problem was caused by Windows Vista, which was created by Microsoft

We are aware of this problem and working as quickly as possible to make a
solution available to our customers. We apologize for any inconvenience this
has caused you.



This problem might recur until the solution is released. Please continue to
send problem reports so Microsoft can study and try to correct the problem
as quickly as possible. If you report the problem again and a solution is
available, you will see an updated message and information about the
solution to help you fix the problem.

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