Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) max screen resolution 1600 by 1024



I use a dual screen system (resolution 2560 by 1024) and I would like to be
able to connect to other dual screen systems via RDC such that I can use 2560
width. However my standard RDC only seems to support 1600 width max. If I use
"full screen" it just displays in the middle, so that's no use either!

Is there an update to RDC that allows for wider connection? Or any other



I do not think that RDP supports multiple screens like that...

all you are doing is logging on to one screen of the server with the RDP at
the resolution you stated. You will have one long taskbar in your RDP while
on the original dual monitor computer that is the server, only the primary
monitor has a taskbar unless you are using special software (drivers or
ultrmon or something).

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