Remote Desktop Client crashing on Win2ksp4


Steve Schow

I have been using the Remote Desktop client from work on a
Win2ksp4 machine to connect to my home PC over DSL for
quite a while without any problems. Now all of a sudden
it is crashing with memory error dialogs of various
forms. It will start up, to the point that I can see the
desktop of the remote screen and then within a few
seconds, the local mstsc.exe program crashes and that's
the end of it.

Does anyone know if the latest security updates have
somehow screwed things up? Perhaps mstsc.exe depended on
some libraries that have changed recently?

Or perhaps on the XP end at home..something changed there?

It was working wonderfully for me and now nada..


Steve Schow

I can also not connect from another XP client
the problem must be on my XP Pro machine at home (server
side). I also changed DSL providers recently...maybe
there is something going on there too... When I try to
connect from an XP client, I get an error message that
says "Because of an error in data encryption, this session
will end..". This happens after mousing around on the
remote desktop for about 10-20 seconds. So it seems to
work for that long..than the local client throws up this
message and it quits. On Win2k...I get memory crash.


I'm also experiencing the exact same problem, that
MSTSC.EXE keeps crashing on me, at a point that I do not
even have enough time to reboot my XP PRO...

I'm connecting over a Win2K machine at work, to my home XP
pro, using a cable modem provider that other people are
using without any issues,so I doubt that the provider's in

I've also tried using VNC, and strange enough, I'm also
getting disconnected after a couple of seconds...

There must be a setting somewhere in our XP system that
makes it crash, but I haven't found it yet...

I would appreciate if someone could help us on this,
please email me if you find the answer!!

Thanks a lot!

From a desperate guy....

Steve S

Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I also have tried from another XP
machine at work and it doesn't crash, but it comes up with a different
error message that says essentially:

"Because of an error in data encryption, this session will end.
Please try connecting to the remote computer again"

and then it terminates the connection. This is within 1-20 seconds
after logging in to the remote computer. I seem to be able to mouse
around a little, move windows, even interact with an app or
much as I can do in the few seconds before it dies with the above
message from XP client and of course from Win2k client it cause an
actual memory crash (reading a null pointer most likely).

My hunch at the moment is that something in these latest security
updates has screwed up remote desktop..but I'm really not sure.

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