Remote Connection List Management


David H

Good day all.
I am having to switch from Win2K Pro to Win XP on my work
computer and looking for ideas on managing the list of
servers that connect to remotely.

The Win2K Terminal Server Manager would allow me to put a
description of the server and then the connection (machine
name or IP). This was very useful because I have over 70
servers that I manage remotely.

But now, in XP there does not seem to be anyplace to put
a 'description'.

My question is, does any body know of a way of adding a
description to a Remote Desktop Connection, or is it
possible for me to load the older version of Terminal
Services Client on XP?

Thanks in Advance.

Soo Kuan Teo [MS]

Are you switching from Win2k Pro to WinXP Home or WinXP Pro?
Can you please tell us how do you put description from Win2k Terminal Server
Manager? I don't recall there is such a feature in Terminal Server Manager.
The closest thing there is is the Terminal Services
Configuration/Connections->RDP-TCP->Comment field which you can change.
Are your 70 servers mostly WinXP?
Also what do you use to manage your 70 servers?

Soo Kuan

David H

I am moving to WinXp Pro. Most of the servers I manage are
Win2K Advanced Server and they are running the Terminal
Services service that is part of the OS.

As for the old software, it was actually called Client
Connection Manager. When you created a new connection, or
went to the properties of an existing one, you had two
fields to fill in:
Connection Name
Server Name or IP address

In the connection name field you could put a description
in, and then the second field was where the connection
info was at.


Bill Sanderson

This is pretty clunky, but I have separate xxxx.rdp files in a folder. You
can give these as descriptive a name as you like, and you can arrange the
folder in list form.

I usually am organizing less than 25 workstations, and do this in folders on
a server.

The servers I have organized in a similar folder.

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