remote administrator help for home network



I have 3 pc's home networked running XP. 2 r for the grands. Somebody PLEASE
tell me how I can access the upstairs pc's without their knowledge or having
them request asst. for my help. I just can't get upstairs to do the
maintanence or to check to see where they're going online because of a
disability. They won't take time to do disk cleans, updates, delete temp
files or anything. They r beginner teens (need I say more! ): "I AM THE
ADMIN., dosen't that give me access priviledges"? I don't want my grandson
going to BIG BOOTY.COM! :) I used a parental block called k9 but it wouldn't
even let me get on my ISP home page. Then also, I would have to keep hearing
them complain when they can't even get on a web page needed for school, &
would keep calling me to allow access, etc. Sorry this is so long, I'm
thanks, grandmom


Well there are ways to do this with remote dektop but its fairly complicated
and microsoft might now appreciate it.... the easiest way to accomplish what
u want would be to purchase survialence or parental control software that
would allow u to moniter their session... if u go that way i reccomend u
stopping by the local software store and asking someone there for the
software i mentioned... But if u want to do remote desktop shoot me an email
at (e-mail address removed) and mabey ill point u in the right direction...
Microsoft wont help u in this respect

Sooner Al [MVP]

If your running XP Pro on the upstairs PC you could use Remote Desktop to
remotely access/control the PC.

If the PC upstairs is running XP Home then UltraVNC is an option.

Now you really need to make sure your account on all of your PCs is an
administrator account and that the other accounts are limited accounts. That
way the other accounts can not make unauthorized changes to the PC once you
get them setup. All accounts should be password protected with strong

Lastly the suggestion by Paul to install and use parental control software
is well taken. Your ISP may offer free parental control software, like mine
does, or you can purchase something like Netnanny, etc. See this thread on
the Broadband Reports forums for an illustration of what I did to control
access to my PCs when my grandkids visited last summer.,13574572

The bottom line is your going to either get upstairs to set this up or get
someone to bring that PC downstairs for you to work on. If you can't get it
running correctly, ie. any of the above, then I suggest you hire a local
computer shop/service or find a computer knowledgeable friend/relative to
help you...


Al Jarvi (MS-MVP Windows Networking)

Please post *ALL* questions and replies to the news group for the mutual
benefit of all of us...
The MS-MVP Program -
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no


Just remember even if u set up remote desktop with the above method it will
not allow you to activley monitor what someone is doing as they do it because
of the fact that MS does not allow more than one user logged in at the same
time... Working around these kindof things could get relatively complicated
and you would definetly need to do setup on the upstairs computer... I would
either get that software Al and I mentioned and/or ask someone to help you
with remote desktop.


This is true. For what you want to do VNC or Logmein is the way to go.
There will be a one time setup challenge, but after that you should be
good to go. Also, I don't know what router your using to connect
through, but Netgear offers logs you can read to see where people have
been going, as well as site blocking via keywords. Others may offer
similar things, check yours out.



oh man! Thanks much to Paul & Sooner. This was very, very helpful...
Thank God for someone that knows what they're doing :)


thank you much too Jim! all great advice...I have a linksys wireless router &
adapters, but I don't need to use the router because verizon's router has a
router. I just need the adapters.

Oh, am I suppose to send my thanks thru the reply button? if not where?
I'm out, bye

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