relationship problems!!



Hello, I REALLY need help!! I have 5 tables in my DB (Client List,
Employed, Training, Trades, and Employer Codes). My client list is related to
both the employed and training tables with one-to-many with client list on
the one side. The trades table related to training table with a one-to-many
with the trades table on the one side. But I can't seem to connect the
employer codes table to the employed table. i tried everything but i can't
connect the two.

Can anyone help me please!!!


I already have a Employer Code list in the Employer Code table along with a
Trades list in the trades table.


You don't connect tables you connect columns in tables. Without knowing which
columns you are talking about, it's impossible to speculate why you cannot
connect them. Are you getting some message from Access? It would be helpful
to know what it says.


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