Reinstalled ME, XP disappeared



I reinstalled Windows ME on my C drive (HD#1) and my Windows XP on my D drive (HD#2) disappeared. In fact, the whole HD#2 does not get recognized, I no longer can dual boot, etc.

Do I need to reinstall XP? Other suggestions?

Jupiter Jones [MVP]



Oops, left out probably vital info

HD# Partition Formatted O
1 C: Fat32 Windows M
2. D: NTFS Windows X

Does that change instructions?

Michael Stevens



Ah, I suspected as much (Re: Michael - I did check link out and it seemed to insist that XP be installed on drive C:, hence my follow up question -- but I did include the original text here - thx for the suggestion). Fortunately, I have Partition Magic and I'll install Boot utility. Hope that does it ...

----- Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote: ----

In that case, the procedure will not work
As the link states, you need a 3rd party partition application suc

Michael Stevens

Jupiter said:
In that case, the procedure will not work.
As the link states, you need a 3rd party partition application such

Actually it will work without the bootmanager. Win 98 is on C with Fat32, XP
is on D NTFS.
They can boot into the Recovery Console and run fixboot.
Click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into the address box
if using the web based newsgroup.
Recovery Console

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

Michael Stevens

GaryG said:
Ah, I suspected as much (Re: Michael - I did check link out and it
seemed to insist that XP be installed on drive C:, hence my follow up
question -- but I did include the original text here - thx for the
suggestion). Fortunately, I have Partition Magic and I'll install
Boot utility. Hope that does it ....

You don't need it, use the Recovery Console to run fixboot. Actually on Doug
Knox's web page, repairing the XP bootloader touches on running fixboot. I
was thinking of this when I replied earlier. Sorry for the confusion.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


Subject: Reinstalled ME, XP disappeare
By: Gary


Re: Michael Stevens’ link, I don’t seem to be able to boot to Windows XP CD. Computer goes to
BootIt (Power Quest), which I installed, but it doesn’t recognize the Windows XP OS on the
D: drive and therefore hasn’t helped.
- <Does this mean I have to go into the BIOS at startup and change the boot order (how?)? Make a boot disk?

Next, tried
- Windows XP CD in driv
- Start/Ru
- Open box: F:\i386\winnt32.exe
- Message: You can only install the Recovery Console from Windows X
- (because, of course, I’m running this from inside Windows ME on my C: drive

- Reinserted C
- Windows XP CD autodetected and ra
- Chose: Perform Additional Tasks\Browse this CD
- Navigated to F:\i386\winnt32.exe, which just runs the Windows XP installer, which I declined.
- (It’s already installed on the unrecognized D: drive
- Open help file on Winnt32 and am told
- ======================================
- /cmdcon
- Installs the Recovery Console as a startup option on a functioning computer. The Recovery Console is a command-line interface from which you can perform tasks such as starting and stopping services and accessing the local drive (including drives formatted with NTFS). You can only use the /cmdcons option after normal Setup is finished
- ======================================

- if you can only use /cmdcons option after normal Setup is finished and the D: drive with its Windows XP partition is not recognized (ergo: Setup isn’t finished) then I can’t use the <winnt32.exe /cmdcons> command, right? Circular? Am I confused?

Protocol questions: Keep this all in this thread? Is this becoming too obscure

Was advised to post previous messages in the thread (thank you) so, to summarize:
By: Michael Stevens (search by author

Actually it will work without the bootmanager. Win 98 is on C with Fat32, X
is on D NTFS
They can boot into the Recovery Console and run fixboot
Click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into the address bo
if using the web based newsgroup
Recovery Consol

Michael Stevens MS-MVP X
(e-mail address removed)

By: Jupiter Jones [MVP] (search by author

In that case, the procedure will not work
As the link states, you need a 3rd party partition application suc

Oops, left out probably vital info

HD# Partition Formatted O
1 C: Fat32 Windows M
2. D: NTFS Windows X

Does that change instructions


By: Jupiter Jones [MVP] (search by author

See this link on repairing Windows XP

I reinstalled Windows ME on my C drive (HD#1) and my Windows XP on my D drive (HD#2) disappeared. In fact, the whole HD#2 does not get recognized, I no longer can dual boot, etc.

Do I need to reinstall XP? Other suggestions

----- Michael Stevens wrote: ----

Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote
In that case, the procedure will not work
As the link states, you need a 3rd party partition application suc

Actually it will work without the bootmanager. Win 98 is on C with Fat32, X
is on D NTFS
They can boot into the Recovery Console and run fixboot
Click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into the address bo
if using the web based newsgroup
Recovery Consol

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

Michael Stevens

GaryG said:
Subject: Reinstalled ME, XP disappeared
By: GaryG


Re: Michael Stevens' link, I don't seem to be able to boot to Windows XP CD. Computer goes to
BootIt (Power Quest), which I installed, but it doesn't recognize the Windows XP OS on the
D: drive and therefore hasn't helped.
- <Does this mean I have to go into the BIOS at startup and change the
boot order (how?)? Make a boot disk?>
Yes, you will need to change the boot order in the bios to set booting from
CD before hard drive.
Accessing BIOS
Recovery Console
When you get to the RC command line, run fixboot, and fixmbr.
<The below is snipped as it is not going to work as a solution to your


Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


Changed boot order in BIOS and the CDROM is now searched before HD, but to to avail
However: I don't think my XP disk is a boot disk. The only executable files I see in the main directory i
setup.exe, which is pointed to by autorun.inf. I'll make an XP boot disk and try again
Thanks. News to follow/Film at 11

----- Michael Stevens wrote: ----

GaryG said:
Subject: Reinstalled ME, XP disappeare
By: Gary CD. Computer goes t
BootIt (Power Quest), which I installed, but it doesn't recognize th Windows XP OS on th
D: drive and therefore hasn't helped
- <Does this mean I have to go into the BIOS at startup and change th
boot order (how?)? Make a boot disk?>

Yes, you will need to change the boot order in the bios to set booting fro
CD before hard drive
Accessing BIO
Recovery Consol
When you get to the RC command line, run fixboot, and fixmbr
<The below is snipped as it is not going to work as a solution to you


Michael Stevens MS-MVP X
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader


No luck

1. Changed boot order in BIOS and the CDROM is now searched before HD, but my XP disk is not a boot disk. The only executable files I see in the main directory is setup.exe, and autorun.inf, which points to setup.exe. Am I missing something here

2. I have had no luck booting to XP from a boot disk.

Any other suggestion

Michael Stevens

GaryG said:
No luck.

1. Changed boot order in BIOS and the CDROM is now searched before
HD, but my XP disk is not a boot disk. The only executable files I
see in the main directory is setup.exe, and autorun.inf, which points
to setup.exe. Am I missing something here?

2. I have had no luck booting to XP from a boot disk.

Any other suggestions

Is this a burnt copy of the XP CD, or a retail or OEM CD? Do you get a text
message [usually at the bottom of the screen] when you power on the computer
with the XP CD in the drive saying to "press any key to boot from CD"?

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

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