Reindexing ???


Jim Hawkins

My system (Pentium 4, 3.06GHz, 200GB HDD, WindowsXP Home) is becoming very slow.
I find that a folder ~ERAFSWD.TMP has a large and rapidly increasing number of large files, each 41,280KB,
with random alphanumeric names and extensions.
It is not a virus (I have McAfee Security Center).A friend suggests it is trying to reindex its files.
What is going on ? What should I do about it ? Defrag tells me there is only 20% free space on the HDD
and that I should defrag, but I don't want to risk doing this until I know what's going on.
Please help before my HDD becomes full !

Jim Hawkins

Simple Simon

Are you running a clean up program such as'Eraser'?

~ERAFSWD.TMP is the demporary folder used to store data while the program is running and should have been deleted when the program ended. If the program suddenly halted and stopped thiss folder would have been left behind.

Hope this Helps,



In addition to simple's response:

Since the names are beginning with a "~"and end in ".tmp", they
are definitely temporary files/folders; that's the standard
format for them. There is also a possibility that they are part
of a virus, worm or other malware, but I've never heard of one
operating that way.

Temporary files (~*.tmp) are like little scratch-pads where
programs keeps information temporarily that they might need in
the foreseeable future. It's a way to speed things up.
Technically, you should be able to delete ALL temporary files
as they are not needed for anything unless they are currently
being used.
Any of them with a date earlier than today's date should be
able to be deleted. If you should try to delete a file that's in
use, XP won't let you; the operation will fail. So, even if you
try to delete one in use, it's still safe to do from within
windows, and technically from any mode.

Start by running
Start; Programs; Accessories; System Tools; Disk Cleanup
and see if that doesn't get you some more disk space back. It
may or may not get rid of those temp files/folders, though,
depending on a few things.

Then, personally, I would start by renaming all the folders that
contain files/folders that start with the "~". Maybe change the
"~" to a "_" (underscore) in each case, or a number that you're
sure to be able to remember. .
If you cannot rename them, Restart and go to Safe Mode and
try doing it from there.
Renaming them is the same thing as deleting them, to whatever
might be useing them. Restart to normal windows mode, and If
everything continues to work OK, go ahead and delete them, then
empty the Recycle Bin.
If you can't rename them, or if renaming them causes problems,
or if they keep on being created, it'll be necessary to figure
out what's creating them. Malware, or some program you're
running that's become corrupted.

Come back and let us know how things go; there's lots of good
expertise here and in some other newsbroups availble to you.

Ain't nuttin' new
in the worl'
no more!
Are you running a clean up program such as'Eraser'?

~ERAFSWD.TMP is the demporary folder used to store data while the
program is running and should have been deleted when the program
ended. If the program suddenly halted and stopped thiss folder
would have been left behind.

Hope this Helps,


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