Regular Expressions replace !!



I'm fairly new t oregular expressions. I am struggling with the
following problem.
I have a big text file that I want to parse for the following text:


once found I want to replace it with


similarly I want to do it the reverse way too in another part of the
application .. so I would look for
<x:ConnectionString></x:ConnectionString> and replace it with

where "sometextwithin" comes from a variable

I havent been able to find the correct regular expression for the
Please help


Use a pattern like:


To remove the content replace with "$1$3". To add content or replace the
content, replace with "$1" + newContent + "$3".


Thanks a lot Goran .. your solution worked like a charm ..
solved all my problems ..
thanks once again ..


oops got into a small problem ...
I was using the above solution pattern for another tag
here the data within the <x:member></x:member> comtains several special
characters like $ % . ' () etc I think [^<]* pattern is not able to
pick up all the special characters since its not working in this case
... when there are no special characters it works well ..
can you tell me how to modify it so that it can work with $ % . ' ()
thanks once again


The [^<] set matches any characters except <. That includes any special

Do you have an example of contents that doesn't work with the pattern?


I'm storing a SQL query inside this tag and heres a part of htat query

''), '$', '') AS MONEY) * 1000

as I pointed out .. it breaks at the $ sign ... so the replace resilt
''), '

instead of the entire string .. I'm assuming that it would similarly
break for * too
Please help.


I see. No, it wouldn't break for *. The problem is only the $ character,
as that is used to reference matches, like $1, $2, $3...

To get the actual $ character in the replacement string, use $$.


I think its a problem with the newContent that i'm adding ..
so my original string has <x:member></x:member> which is correctly
parsed by
"(<x:member>)([^<]*)(</x:member>)" but when I add new content using
"$1" + newContent + "$2" where the newContent string contains special
characters such as $, it adds the new content string only upto the
character before $ and does not add the rest ..
so my question would be can I suppress the special characters in the
newContent so that the entire newContent string can be added between
the tags.

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