Regular Expression Validator


Bryce Budd

Hi all,

I am trying to use a regular expression validator to check
for the existence of PO Box in an address textbox. The
business rule is "No addresses with PO Boxes are allowed."

What I want to happen is the Regular Expression Validator
to return false only when the string contains PO Box.
Currently it is false even when a valid address exists.

I need this validation to occur on the client, hence the
Regular Expression Validator control.

Here's the RE: I'm using in the ValidationExpression


This currently matches (returns false/invalid) for:
smith road and smith po box road?

Any insight into the proper regular expression to achieve
my goal would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Brian Davis

Try this one out:


The (?i) turns on the ignore case option and then the expression matches the
beginning of the string, followed by 1 or more characters that are not
preceded by P.O. Box, followed by the end of the string. The repeated
negative look-behind is there to make sure that a string containing only
"P.O. Box" is not matched.

Brian Davis

Dino Chiesa [Microsoft]

Do this:

go get a regex design/test tool, like

Design and test the regex interactively using that tool.

When you think you have it, build a regex test app that tests all the
various combinations you can think of, and run it.

namespace Ionic.Test.EmailValidation {

/// <remarks>
/// Represents all the input for the test, including the regex to test,
/// and an array of test cases.
/// </remarks>
Namespace="", IsNullable=false)]
public class TestInput {

/// <remarks/>

public string Regexp;

/// <remarks/>

Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified, IsNullable=false)]
public TestCase[] TestList;

/// <remarks>
/// This is the type that stores a single test case.
/// We need a bunch of these to verify that the regex works as
/// expected. Each test case has an input and an output. In our
/// case, the input is a string, and the output is a bool value,
/// which indicates whether the Regex should match or not.
/// Other tests will have different input and output.
/// </remarks>
public class TestCase {

/// <remarks/>
public string Input;

/// <remarks/>
public bool ExpectedOutput;

/// <remarks>
/// This is the test app. The main routine de-serializes from
/// an XML file, then runs the tests, comparing the expected
/// (or desired) output with the actual result.
/// </remarks>
public class Tester {

public static void Main() {
string InputPath= "EmailValidationInput.xml";

System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(InputPath,
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer s= new
TestInput Input= (TestInput) s.Deserialize(fs);

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex= new
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex (Input.Regexp);

foreach (TestCase tc in Input.TestList) {
System.Console.WriteLine(tc.Input +"\n " + tc.ExpectedOutput + " \\ " +

// This is input data. Store this in the XML file that is de-serialized for
this test.

================================================================== -->
<!-- =================== True test cases
============================== -->
================================================================== -->
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="true" />
Email="(e-mail address removed)"
Valid="true" />
<Case Email="[email protected]" Valid="true" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="true" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="true" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="true" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="true" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="true" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="true" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="true" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)9" Valid="true" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="true" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="true" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="true" />
Email="(e-mail address removed)"
Valid="true" />

================================================================== -->
<!-- =================== False="test cases
============================= -->
================================================================== -->
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="false"/>
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)." Valid="false" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)." Valid="false" />
<Case Email="[email protected]." Valid="false" />
<Case Email="[email protected]" Valid="false" />
<Case Email="[email protected]" Valid="false" />
<Case Email="elmo@cloud9" Valid="false" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)9" Valid="false" />
<Case Email="[email protected]" Valid="false" />
<Case Email="" Valid="false" />
<Case Email="" Valid="false" />
<Case Email="(e-mail address removed)" Valid="false" />



<Regexp>^(\w([\.\-\w]*\w)?)@(\w([\.\-\w]*\w)*\.\w([\.\-\w]*\w)?)$</Regexp> -


Brian Davis said:
Try this one out:


The (?i) turns on the ignore case option and then the expression matches the
beginning of the string, followed by 1 or more characters that are not
preceded by P.O. Box, followed by the end of the string. The repeated
negative look-behind is there to make sure that a string containing only
"P.O. Box" is not matched.

Brian Davis

Bryce Budd said:
Hi all,

I am trying to use a regular expression validator to check
for the existence of PO Box in an address textbox. The
business rule is "No addresses with PO Boxes are allowed."

What I want to happen is the Regular Expression Validator
to return false only when the string contains PO Box.
Currently it is false even when a valid address exists.

I need this validation to occur on the client, hence the
Regular Expression Validator control.

Here's the RE: I'm using in the ValidationExpression


This currently matches (returns false/invalid) for:
smith road and smith po box road?

Any insight into the proper regular expression to achieve
my goal would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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