Regras para mensagens


Lucas Pires Gomes


Gostaria de saber se existe alguma limitação quanto ao número de regras de
mensagens que podem ser criadas no Windows Mail. Digo isso pois quando crio
as regras, ao reiniciar o computador, algumas delas são apagadas.

Att Lucas P. Gomes


I don't read Portuguese(?), but it's close enough to spanish that I can
translate his question if someone has the answer. I don't know the answer to
reply myself.
He wishes to know if there is a limit on the number of mail rules you can
create in WM. It seems after creating new rules and restarting his computer
his newest rules are being lost, therefore, he wants to know if he has
exceeded some limit.

Gary VanderMolen

There is no known limit. Many people have dozens of message rules.
Sounds like something is blocking writes to the registry, possibly a
third party security product like anti-spyware.

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