Registry Semi-Disaster: I am an idiot - used 2 registry 'cleaners'


Sascha Jazbec

take your Vista dvd, insert and run setup.exe, re-install the OS to the same
partition where windows is now, without formatting the HD.

That will keep your documents and stuff in a folder created by Windows
Setup. That folder is "windows.OLD" and you can pick up all your files and
then delete it safely.

and never ever run such apps again. The promised speed tweaks are not worth
risking stability or OS integrity.

Sascha / germany


I used two different registry cleaners /optimizers / whatever on my entire

Now my control panel is empty, I have no printers, and I am getting messages
to validate my copy of windows. When I try to do that, it fails every time.

All of the usual helpful suspects seem to be inoperable - system restore
won't fly, nor will the shadow copy fire up and on and on and on and on.

Oddly, I seem to be able to do most things, which I hope bodes well for
backing up everything prior to whatever needs to be done next.

What sort of music do I have to face here ?

I did it to myself - I am prepared to pay the piper.

Whatever wisdom you could impart to me would be greatly appreciated.

(I know what I did was profoundly stupid. I willingly accept that fact, also)

How do I atone for my transgressions ?

Not Me

Hopefully it gave u the option to make a backup copy before you made
If not, possibly a system restore would help.
To me, anyone using a registry cleaner without really understanding it, is
like trying to disarm a nuke with fingernail clippers.
It may work, but it isn't likely! LOL
Get rid of them!!


First off don't be so hard on yourself, we all make mistakes and that's how
we learn. If you cannot undo what these snake oil programs did and you
cannot do a System Restore then it appears you need to try and backup all
your user files, music, pictures, etc and reformat and install again. BTW,
what two cleaners did you use?

Peter Foldes


Just to add to the replies registry cleaners are snake oil remedies. If you do not know your registry and what is being removed you have no business there. The belief that a bloated registry will slow your system down is a myth by itself. Leave the registry alone.

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