Registry Bugs Backup Windows?



So, I'm thinking I may have some registry problems.... Word doesn't behave
itstelf and IE plus Firefox locks up frequently. I hear I need to back up
Windows before using a registry cleaning tool. Only I can't find my original
Windows CD to use Microsofts ADDVALUE backup feature for XP Home Edition...

Any thoughts out there?

Where do I get another Windows CD?

Do I really need to backup?

What registry cleaning tool do you all recommend?

Opinions? Thanks!

Uncle John


Hmm, that is a can of worms you have there!

1 Do not do anything drastic until you have your Windows CD. If you don't
have it you will have to buy another one.

2 You may be able to download a copy of Ntbackup from

3 You do not have to do a full backup before editing the Registry. Save a
copy of the Registry using
4 Also run System Restore before doing the edit
Start\Run. In the blank space type in msinfo32, hit enter. Wait until the
dialog box for System Information appears. Click Tools, click System Restore
on the drop menu, make a restore point.

5 Get a Registry Cleaner, free trial from

Run the cleaner and then let us know how you get on.


Wrangler_Mom said:
So, I'm thinking I may have some registry problems.... Word doesn't
behave itstelf and IE plus Firefox locks up frequently. I hear I need
to back up Windows before using a registry cleaning tool. Only I can't
find my original Windows CD to use Microsofts ADDVALUE backup feature
for XP Home Edition...

Any thoughts out there?

Where do I get another Windows CD?

Do I really need to backup?

What registry cleaning tool do you all recommend?

Opinions? Thanks!

In this context, "backing up" means backing up your data. The NTBackup
program which presumably you are looking for on the cd isn't really
useful for your purpose anyway. The point of backing up your data is
that if you hose your system, you will be able to restore that data to
a newly formatted XP. You don't want to back up system files that are
probably damaged, just the data *you* created. Programs get reinstalled
from the installation media (cd-rom, saved executable).

There isn't any way to guess from your post why you think you have "some
registry problems", but I highly doubt that running a registry cleaner
will solve your computer issues. The symptoms you are describing could
be caused by hardware and/or software. Do a search on this newsgroup
for "registry cleaners" and you'll get a good idea of why most techs
(including me) do not recommend them.

If you would care to post some of the symptoms and information about
your computer, people in this newsgroup will be glad to help you
troubleshoot. Include details about your antivirus program (name and
version) and what you've already done to troubleshoot.

As for not having a Windows CD, you will need to have one. If you bought
a retail copy of XP and have lost it, you need to either find it or go
to the store and replace it. If XP came preinstalled on your computer
by an OEM, that OEM legally needed to provide some method of
reinstalling Windows. That method could be via a hidden partition on
the hard drive, a "restore cd" image, or an actual operating system cd.
If this is your case, contact the OEM for replacement and/or


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