Registery error at start up



I am getting the following message when I boot my
system: "One of the files containing the systems
registery data had to be recovered by use of a log or
alternate copy. The recovery was successful." Any body
have any ideas why this would just start happening? It
does it every time I boot now. I have not loaded any new
software and as far as I know my hard drive is OK.



Ramesh [MVP]

Hi Bob,

Windows XP SP1 contains a registry resiliency feature to automatically
delete corrupted registry keys when Windows starts, and when a user hive is
loaded when a user logs on or loads a hive with Registry Editor. If you
want to troubleshoot the cause of the registry corruption, you cannot
collect the corrupted registry before Windows tries to fix it.

Disable the Registry Repair and Recovery Feature

Damaged Registry Repair and Recovery in Windows XP:

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

~ Please reply to newsgroup ~

I am getting the following message when I boot my
system: "One of the files containing the systems
registery data had to be recovered by use of a log or
alternate copy. The recovery was successful." Any body
have any ideas why this would just start happening? It
does it every time I boot now. I have not loaded any new
software and as far as I know my hard drive is OK.



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