Registering assemblies for remote deployment


Dave Moore

Hi all -
I have a problem I've been trying to solve for several days. I'm
trying to get the 'hands free' deployment working on a .NET web
project that involves both a front end web site (with web pages and
code-behind) and a middleware class library that is compiled into a
DLL. All the documentation that I've read seem to indicate that it's
still possible to use an XCOPY style of deployment to a server that
I'll likely only have file-share access to.

However, I can't seem to get, even on my local machine, the site to
use the middleware (call it "MWLibrary.dll") unless I run regsvcs on
it. The DLL is copied into the bin folder of the web directory and
there is also a MWLibrary.snk file for it there.

Other data that might be relevant:
- The class library is listed in the References for the web project.
- There is no entry for the MWLibrary.dll in the GAC (nor should
there be in order to satisfy hands-off deployment)
- Project is complied with 'COM+ interop' set to false.
- The middleware is performing database calls to a SQL database.
(Some tie up with COM interfaces there that requires the MWLibrary.dll
to be be regsvcs-ed?)
- I have .NET framework 1.1 installed and am using a RC version of
..NET Visual Studio.

My project seems to satisfy all the conditions for using an XCOPY
style of deployment, but doesn't. Can anyone offer any suggestions on
why this would be so?
Thanks much!
Dave Moore

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