register VB6 DLL...



I have a folder in a website that contains a lot of VB6 DLLs that I want
registered. What are some ways to go about this so I can CreateObjects from
these DLLs? Registering them with regsvr32 is a pain.


Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

Try this:

Run a dir of the directory with the DLLs in it (from command line) like so

dir /b >c:\dllsToRegister.txt

Then open in Excel and create the following concat

=CONCATENATE("regsrv32.exe c:\directorypath\",A1)

Drag down the column and copy to notepad and save as registerDlls.bat

Run the .bat file

That will register COM components. If you want a .NET wrapper, you will also
have to do that by command line. You can use the same technique above.

If you are asking is there some way to drop COM components in a directory
and have all the work done for you, the answer is yes ... if you write the
utility to do it.

Gregory A. Beamer

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