Register Hot Keys application wide not global


Boris Nienke

Is there any way to get when the Hardware keys at the bottom of an iPaq are
pressed in a application wide settings not global. Using RegisterHotKey
will give me global notification of the keys pressed but i just want to get
them when my app is in focus. Is there any way of doing this.

i think the only way is:
- store the original values of the buttons
- assign your own function when your App is in focus
- restore the original values when your App loses the focus

just an idea


Boris Nienke

Do you know how to get the previous values from the buttons?

not really
i've just read about it from someone, who has done this (with eVC++)


Paul G. Tobey [eMVP]

RegisterHotKey() will not take over a hot key already registered by someone
else. If the key generates a standard keystroke (F1 or left-arrow or
whatever), you can use a windows hook, a C/C++ DLL, and a MessageWindow
subclass to capture it only while you are the active application. I don't
think that RegisterHotKey() is going to be a part of the solution, though.

Paul T.

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