Regex -- Replace "-*?\n" with ""



Take this string:


(i.e., hyphens followed by a newline )

I thought I could match it simply with this Regex:


(my interpretation: one or more of "-" followed by a newline)

But when I run it, it seems to match all newlines, regardless of being
preceded by the "-". I know I'm missing something. Any ideas of how to
do this match properly?

Many thanks.



Hi Brent,

Starting a newline is \r\n on dos/windows systems.

So if you use

It will match 2 times.

A caution is maybe in order here. If you use a lazy non greedy quantifier
it will match the shortest string possible.

So if you let the regex
Loose on 5 times a dash
The result will be 6 *empty* matches : m-m-m-m-m-m

Whe empty? bacause the star in your regex allows 0 occurences. So the shortest
string possible is the empty string.

Compare this with the regex

Now you want an a to be at the end of a match so the shortest string possible
is now : -----a
This is the whole original input string and this is the only match.

You say you want a windows newline so your doing fine.

Let me know if you have any more questions..

Tom Pester


Thanks Tom!

I hacked around some more with this stuff, and it turns out that
".*?--+\n" works. Some of the "----" strings were preceded by spaces, so
this seems to be a better, uh, match.

And, yes, your reply does help.

Oh...the text is being sucked in over HTTP directly from an Apache
server, so the \n seems to be appropriate.

Tricky things, these regexes!


Bruce Barker

actually http 1.1 switched to "\r\n", so the apache server should serve the
html the samer way.

-- bruce (




Not sure what you were trying to accomplish with your *?
(literally:zero or more, possibly.) That would always match any new
line, assuming you used \r or \r\n as your newline character.

Jason Kester
Expat Software Consulting Services

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