RegEx Not Working In .NET



Perhaps someone here can help me out...

RegEx: "^.*\d{5}(-\d{4})?.*$"
Intended Purpose: To strip out the City/State/ZipCode line from a signature.
Sample Text:

Joe Jackson
131 W. 5th Street
New York, NY 10023

RegEx Should Return: "New York, NY 10023"

1) This RegEx works correctly in Excel using "Microsoft VBScript Regular
Expressions 5.5" object library
2) This RegEx works correctly with web-based .NET processor on
3) This RegEx DOES NOT WORK in .NET v1.1 (well, at least not for me!)
4) I found the article "FIX: The Regex class and the Match class may not
correctly find matches for a regular expression" on Microsoft Support site
(;en-us;822923), however the
versions of the files that they say create the fix are OLDER than the ones I
have, so perhaps this is a fix for .NET v1.0. ???


One way to solve this is to set the multiline option,

Dim regexCityLine As New Regex( _
"^.*\d{5}(-\d{4})?.*$", _


Doug Holton

BigAl said:
Perhaps someone here can help me out...

RegEx: "^.*\d{5}(-\d{4})?.*$"
Intended Purpose: To strip out the City/State/ZipCode line from a signature.
Sample Text:

Joe Jackson
131 W. 5th Street
New York, NY 10023

RegEx Should Return: "New York, NY 10023"

You should post what code you were using.
Assuming you were passing all 3 lines (instead of splitting them up and
passing the last line only), you can try the regex the code below. The
code is in the language boo:

s = """
Joe Jackson
131 W. 5th Street
New York, NY 10023

r =

print r.Groups["city"]
print r.Groups["state"]
print r.Groups["zip"]


It works for me in VB.Net and C# uses the same Regex object. Can you post
the code you are using so I can see why it is not working for you?




Your Regex works fine for me in Expresso using Framework 1.1. Perhaps there
is a problem in your code. You should set Multiline ON and Singleline OFF.

Here is the C# Regex definition as generated by Expresso:

public static Regex regex = new Regex(
| RegexOptions.Compiled

Expresso can be used to debug your regular expression, is free, and can be
found at




'I've tried to extract the basics of what I'm doing below...

Sub Test
Dim sText as String, sCity as String, sState as String, sZip as String
sText = "Joe Jackson" & vbCrLf & "123 Main St." & vbCrLf & "New York, NY
GetCityStateZip sText, sCity, sState, sZip
Debug.Pring sCity &","& sState & ","& sZip
End Sub

Private Sub GetCityStateZip(ByRef sText As String, ByRef sCity As String,
ByRef sState As String, ByRef sZip As String)
Const REG_EXP_ZIPCODE = "\d{5}(-\d{4})?$"
Const REG_EXP_CITY_STATE_ZIP = "^.*\d{5}(-\d{4})?.*$"

Dim sCityStateZip As String, sCityState As String

sCityStateZip = RetrieveRegExp(REG_EXP_CITY_STATE_ZIP, sText)
'Find city/state/zip
If sCityStateZip = "" Then Exit Sub

sZip = RetrieveRegExp(REG_EXP_ZIPCODE, sCityStateZip)
'Find Zip

sCity = Pop(",", sCityState) 'Parse City
sState = Trim(sCityState) 'Get State

End Sub

Function RetrieveRegExp(ByVal patrn, ByVal strng)
Dim RetStr As String
Dim iRegExOptions As Integer = ExplicitCapture + IgnoreCase +
Dim regEx As New regEx(patrn), Match As Match, Matches As
MatchCollection ' Create variable.

Matches = regEx.Matches(strng) ' Execute search.
For Each Match In Matches ' Iterate Matches collection.
RetStr = Match.Value
RetrieveRegExp = RetStr

End Function

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