Regex Capture problem



I am using the VBScript_RegExp_55 library in an Excel-based VBA project to
build a text-file processor that uses rules stored in an Excel spreadsheet.
I have used Regex utilities before, so I understand the concepts of text
capture and re-use in a Regex expression.

But when I try to capture text with (*), for example, and then try to re-use
it with \1, I get either no changes made, or an object-generated error 5081.
I have not been able to isolate when these two results occur.

I believe my program code is basically correct, because I can do search and
replace type stuff just fine, including in the same "run" as the capture
operations that fail. Here are my options settings:

objRgx.IgnoreCase = False ' Set case sensitive.
objRgx.Global = True ' Set replace all.
objRgx.MultiLine = True ' Set multiline mode.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Ron Rosenfeld

I am using the VBScript_RegExp_55 library in an Excel-based VBA project to
build a text-file processor that uses rules stored in an Excel spreadsheet.
I have used Regex utilities before, so I understand the concepts of text
capture and re-use in a Regex expression.

But when I try to capture text with (*), for example, and then try to re-use
it with \1, I get either no changes made, or an object-generated error 5081.
I have not been able to isolate when these two results occur.

I believe my program code is basically correct, because I can do search and
replace type stuff just fine, including in the same "run" as the capture
operations that fail. Here are my options settings:

objRgx.IgnoreCase = False ' Set case sensitive.
objRgx.Global = True ' Set replace all.
objRgx.MultiLine = True ' Set multiline mode.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

How about giving an example of your program code, input, and desired output?


Here are two regex search and replace strings. The first does works, but the
second does not:

Search for = "<TITLE>Page-1</TITLE>"
Replace with = "<TITLE>Staffing Process Model</TITLE>"

This did not do any capture or replace:
Search for = "<CENTER>\n([^\n]*)_DPM Model - (.*)HREF="([^\n]*).html"
Replace with = "<CENTER>\n\1_DPM Model - \2HREF= "\1_DPM Model - \3.html"

Here are lines in the html- first 3 show where I want to pick-up the
extended file name which is "STAFFING_VISION-REF_2007-03-31_DPM_Model_-_"

<IMG SRC="STAFFING_VISION-REF_2007-03-31_DPM_Model_-_Talent_acquired.jpg"
ALT="" BORDER="0" USEMAP="#image_map">

Here is where I want to insert the extended filename in front of the "Talent
Need defined.html". The stuff after ".html" will be processed and removed in
later steps:

<AREA SHAPE="CIRCLE" COORDS="103,395,44" HREF="Talent Need defined.html,
1UP: Toplevel">

Here are the variables as sent to the function:
strRgxSearchPattern = "<CENTER>\n\1_DPM Model - \2HREF= "\1_DPM Model -
strRgxInput = "<CENTER>\n([^\n]*)_DPM Model - (.*)HREF="([^\n]*).html"

Here is the function:
Private Function RgxReplaceText(strRgxSearchPattern, strRgxInput,
strRgxOutput) As String
Dim objRgx As New RegExp
objRgx.IgnoreCase = False ' Set case sensitive.
objRgx.Global = True ' Set replace all.
objRgx.MultiLine = True ' Set multiline mode.
objRgx.pattern = strRgxSearchPattern
RgxReplaceText = objRgx.Replace(strRgxInput, strRgxOutput)
End Function

Ron Rosenfeld

Replace with = "<CENTER>\n\1_DPM Model - \2HREF= "\1_DPM Model - \3.html"

I didn't test it but I believe, in the Replace with string, you need to use the
tokens $1 $2 $3

Ron Rosenfeld

I am using the VBScript_RegExp_55 library in an Excel-based VBA project to
build a text-file processor that uses rules stored in an Excel spreadsheet.
I have used Regex utilities before, so I understand the concepts of text
capture and re-use in a Regex expression.

But when I try to capture text with (*), for example, and then try to re-use
it with \1, I get either no changes made, or an object-generated error 5081.
I have not been able to isolate when these two results occur.

I believe my program code is basically correct, because I can do search and
replace type stuff just fine, including in the same "run" as the capture
operations that fail. Here are my options settings:

objRgx.IgnoreCase = False ' Set case sensitive.
objRgx.Global = True ' Set replace all.
objRgx.MultiLine = True ' Set multiline mode.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Unfortunately, I'm still not following your example.

But, so far as your question about capturing text with (*), and then re-using
it, note the following:

Given the UDF:

Function RESub(str As String, SrchFor As String, ReplWith As String) As String
Dim objRegExp As RegExp

Set objRegExp = New RegExp
objRegExp.Pattern = SrchFor
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
objRegExp.Global = True
objRegExp.MultiLine = True

RESub = objRegExp.Replace(str, ReplWith)

End Function

With these simple parameters:

str = "Now is the time"
SrchFor = Now is (.*) time
ReplWith = "$1"

Function returns "the" as would be expected.



Thanks, Ron - as it is so often the problem was the nut holding the wheel. I
"learned" my regex using a freeware utility that had slightly different
syntax, so I had to convert many lines of expressions. Along the way I
somehow forgot that * is an enumerator, not a character placeholder - so I
was trying to capture (*) instead of (.*). As soon as I saw your fragment I
realized what the problem was.

Initially I ALSO had the parameters backwards in the method invocation
(having the search in a proprerty, and the input and replacement strings in
the call is just hard for me to grok it seems), but when I fixed that, I then
made the * error and the message I got was the same, 5018, with no helpful

Okay - thanks again for your help - I will probably be asking something
again sooner than I imagine.

Ron Rosenfeld

Thanks, Ron - as it is so often the problem was the nut holding the wheel. I
"learned" my regex using a freeware utility that had slightly different
syntax, so I had to convert many lines of expressions. Along the way I
somehow forgot that * is an enumerator, not a character placeholder - so I
was trying to capture (*) instead of (.*). As soon as I saw your fragment I
realized what the problem was.

Initially I ALSO had the parameters backwards in the method invocation
(having the search in a proprerty, and the input and replacement strings in
the call is just hard for me to grok it seems), but when I fixed that, I then
made the * error and the message I got was the same, 5018, with no helpful

Okay - thanks again for your help - I will probably be asking something
again sooner than I imagine.

Well, I'm glad my efforts helped point you in a useful direction. There are
certainly some aspects of Regular Expressions as used in Perl, for example,
that are not replicated in VB.

Best wishes.

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