regclean for xp



Does anybody know of an alternative to regclean as it is not supported for
xp apparently, or is it ok to use still?

Harold Gunn

mathawk said:
Does anybody know of an alternative to regclean as it is not supported for
xp apparently, or is it ok to use still?
It works with XP.

Will Denny


XP doesn't need a Registry cleaner - it manages the Registry by itself.
Using some of there so called 'cleaners' can do more harm than good and may
possibly render your PC unbootable.


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

Bruce Chambers

mathawk said:
Does anybody know of an alternative to regclean as it is not supported for
xp apparently, or is it ok to use still?

Having seen the results of inexperienced people using automated
registry "cleaners," I can only advise to you to avoid them all.

The only thing needed to safely clean your registry is knowledge
and Regedit.exe. If you lack the knowledge and experience to maintain
your registry by yourself, then you also lack the knowledge and
experience to safely configure and use any automated registry cleaner,
no matter how safe it claims to be.

I always use Regedit.exe, and strongly recommend the others learn
to do so. I trust my own experience and judgment far more than I would
any automated registry cleaner.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH


I agree with you on Regedit.exe, however, The program I suggested will
allow a good backup of the complete regestry before removing any entries
left by obsolete or removed programs. It is useful to a "newbe" . May I
suggest that you give it a try and please post your results. I have useed it
now for many months and am a firm believer in its ability to find and remove
said entries. Sure saves a lot of editing time in the old registry.
(if this link doesn't work, search for regscrubxp.exe)


What is it with you folk. You seen the response from Microsoft WHO makes
your system. As the tech stated
no reason to use any reg cleaners out there. Look around at news groups many
people have problems at later dates after using reg cleaners.


Get a life. You might try not believing everything that Microsoft tells
What is wrong with people like you? Get your head out of your @ss and move
on. Ford said the Model A was the best! People used to say that Man would
never fly! Microsoft also said one time that Windows 3.11 would be the
Operating system of the future! All Gone now. Get a life and MOVE ON DUDE!
You apparently have no Idea of what the registry of Windows XP contains nor
do you know how, where or why removed programs leave dead entries in the
registry. Have you ever installed AOL and then tried to uninstall it?? Did
it leave dead entries?? What about Norton? I suppose you think it is the
"Real Mcoy" of Anti-Virus?
I would bet you have never even seen the inside of the Windows XP
operating System! For that matter, I will bet you have never even used a PS2
computer before either! Do you even know what makes a computer operate?? The
moron above the keyboard?? I think Not!

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