Refresh or requery




I have 2 forms. On frmTC is a command button to open frmSE (filtered to the
record that frmTC is at) and make frmTC invisible. (On frmTC are navigation
buttons to scroll through the different records. When the user sees a record
he would like to edit, he clicks the command button to take him to frmSE.)
After the user makes changes to the record on frmSE they click a button to go
back to frmTC (so frmTC becomes visible again and frmSE closes).

How do I get frmTC to reflect the changes that were made on frmSE? I've
tried refresh and requery and once or twice it seemed to work but then I'd
get the Write Conflict error.

My code:
In the Click event of the button on frmSE that will take the user back to

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
Forms("frmTC").Visible = True

In the Activate event of frmTC the code closes frmSE.

I chose the refresh method rather than the requery b/c the requery will
scroll to the first record whereas the refresh will remain at the current
record. (Is this correct?)



How do I get frmTC to reflect the changes that were made on frmSE? I've
tried refresh and requery

You must requery the form in order to retrieve all changes in the form's
recordset from the database. Refresh just refreshes the records obtained
from the database when the form was last opened. Refresh won't reflect
changes made by other processes to this recordset, such as updates, additions
or deletions.
In the Activate event of frmTC the code closes frmSE.

Is there a reason that frmSE can't -- or shouldn't -- close itself? The
OnActivate( ) event for frmTC isn't required for saving the record or closing
the other form, so unless you need it for some other purpose you haven't
mentioned, I'd leave it out in order to keep the code as simple as possible.
I chose the refresh method rather than the requery b/c the requery will
scroll to the first record whereas the refresh will remain at the current
record. (Is this correct?)

No. Scroll to the original record after requerying the form's recordset.
Here's some code for you to try, but there are a few prerequisites necessary
in order for it to work. You must set a reference to the DAO library if you
haven't already. The value passed to frmSE must be the primary key of the
record that you want to edit. The code uses the same record source for both
bound forms. The code is designed to work with a primary key with a Long
data type, so if you have a different data type for your primary key, the
syntax will be slightly different. Please let me know, and I can give a
sample of the syntax for whatever data type you have.

In this example, frmTC has one button, "EditBtn," to open the frmSE form and
make itself invisible. The primary key is "ID" and the text box control for
this value is named "txtID" in both forms. Copy the following (up to the
first "End Code" line) into frmTC's code module and change the name of the
sub to your button's name with Click( ) event:

' * * * * Start Code * * * *

Private Sub EditBtn_Click()

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSE", acNormal, , "ID = " & Me!txtID.Value
Me.Visible = False

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error in EditBtn_Click( ) in " & Me.Name & " form." & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error #" & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description

End Sub

' * * * * End Code * * * *

In this example, frmSE has one button, "CloseBtn," to save the record,
requery frmTC, scroll to the correct record, make frmTC visible again, then
close itself. txtStuff is the name of a control that can be edited, because
the focus can't be on the button when the record is saved. Copy the
following (up to the second "End Code" line) into frmSE's code module and
change the name of the sub to your button's name with Click( ) event:

' * * * * Start Code * * * *

Private Sub CloseBtn_Click()

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Dim recSet As DAO.Recordset
Dim fOpenedRecSet As Boolean

Me!txtStuff.SetFocus ' Set focus to any editable control.
Me.Dirty = True
Set recSet = Forms("frmTC").RecordsetClone
fOpenedRecSet = True

If (Not (recSet.BOF And recSet.EOF)) Then
recSet.FindFirst "ID = " & Me!txtID.Value

If (Not (recSet.NoMatch)) Then
Forms("frmTC").Bookmark = recSet.Bookmark
MsgBox "Cannot find record matching " & vbCrLf & """ID = " & _
Me!txtID.Value & """", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, _
"Record Not Found!"
End If
End If

Forms("frmTC").Visible = True
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name


If (fOpenedRecSet) Then
fOpenedRecSet = False
End If

Set recSet = Nothing

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error in CloseBtn_Click( ) in " & Me.Name & " form." & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error #" & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
GoTo CleanUp

End Sub

' * * * * End Code * * * *

Save both forms and compile the code. Close frmSE and open frmTC in Form
View. Scroll to any record, select the EditBtn button to open the frmSE
form, change the record, select the CloseBtn button to close frmSE and frmTC
will appear again, scrolled to the correct record with the change you just



See for all your database needs.
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Hi there,

I understand all your code and I know where I am going to put it. The
recordset clone stuff is new to me but your code makes it look simple which
is great. Right now I'm going to try two different options, this being one
of them.

Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it.

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