Reformat a drive with corrupted files?



chkdsk reports corrupted files and does not complete.

XP will not start.

The recovery console cannot recover.

How can I delete the contents of this drive in anticipation of a return
authorization from the manufacturer?

Excuse the crossposting, I'm not sure which NG is correct fro this problem.

Thank you in advance....!



Search the Net about disk shredders. Apparently disk manufacturer site can
provide the utility filling the disk with zeroes or low-level format utility

P.S. Did the manufacturer suggest to reinstall Windows before you get RMA?


Just because the files are corrupt doesnt mean the drive is,there's
no scence in returning a hd on those findings,simply reinstall xp.Boot
to xp cd,select install xp,new copy,delete the partition,create one,then
xp reformats and installs.If chkdsk had indicated bad sectors,then a return
would be warranted,but files,no way youre wasting youre time.

Sid9, Liberal

Thanks for the response....I'll post the outcome
Just because the files are corrupt doesnt mean the drive is,there's
no scence in returning a hd on those findings,simply reinstall
xp.Boot to xp cd,select install xp,new copy,delete the
partition,create one,then xp reformats and installs.If chkdsk had
indicated bad sectors,then a return would be warranted,but files,no
way youre wasting youre time.


If it is a Western Digital, and had the floppy disk from
the retail box called
Data Lifeguard Tools (Version 10 or 11)
or you know someone with it,
it will boot your computer and allow you to check the
drive, may even repair it,
but if it is bad,
you can select an option to write 1,000,000 zeros on the
front and the back of the drive,
which will overwrite the main working of the disk and
file structure.

This tools is on their web site for download also.
Othe MFG may have simular tools.

Also check the date on the disk and the fireware rev .

If it is made in 2003 I would return it.
If the rev is EO and not FO on the end of the disk moel
name I woulf return it.


Sid9, Liberal

Thank you!...I'll post the outcome
If it is a Western Digital, and had the floppy disk from
the retail box called
Data Lifeguard Tools (Version 10 or 11)
or you know someone with it,
it will boot your computer and allow you to check the
drive, may even repair it,
but if it is bad,
you can select an option to write 1,000,000 zeros on the
front and the back of the drive,
which will overwrite the main working of the disk and
file structure.

This tools is on their web site for download also.
Othe MFG may have simular tools.

Also check the date on the disk and the fireware rev .

If it is made in 2003 I would return it.
If the rev is EO and not FO on the end of the disk moel
name I woulf return it.



I use a lot of WD drives. Please explain what you learned regarding
WD drives ending with EO or FO model names or RTM in 2003.

<%= Clinton Gallagher, "Twice the Results -- Half the Cost"
Architectural & e-Business Consulting -- Software Development
NET (e-mail address removed)


Sorry, I got it a little mixed up.

I.G. Device Manager disk drive

WDC WD800JB-00ETAO (Made in Malasia aug 2003, firmware
like 77v747, lots of 7's)
WDC WD800JB-00FMA0 - RMA disk recert Aug 2004

I have had 2 bad so for and the third is made in Tiland,
so time will tell as it is not a system disk and does not
get used as much.

The two RMA disks hit the ground running and have been on
most the time.

I have never had disks go bad before 4 or 5 yers of home
Some I had for 7 years.

These didn't last 6 months and they were really bad.

That's what I mean.

You can test and get an RMA online for failing bad
Western Digial Disks.


Nathan McNulty

I agree. Use the hardware diagnostic that came with the drive or get it
from the maker's website and run it on the drive. That will tell you if
it is still good or not. An RMA at this point is not necessary. Also,
what you are looking for is a DoD Standard Format. Something like this:

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