Referring to merged columns in range object


Matthew Pfluger

I would like to set the Style property of columns 3 & 4 of a range. These
columns are merged, and I can't figure out how to refer to that range. Right
now, I'm using

Range("tblTasks").Columns(3).Style = "Calculated Value"

This gives me a Run-time error '450', "Wrong number of arguments of invalid
property assignment". However, if I change the style reference to "Currency"
or change the Columns(3) to Columns(2), it works.

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks,
Matthew Pfluger

Peter T

Try this -

Range("tblTasks").Offset(, 3).Resize(, 2).Style = "Calculated Value"

or, if tblTasks refers to cells in a single row
Range("tblTasks").Columns(3).Mergearea.Style = "Calculated Value"

Peter T

Matthew Pfluger

The first suggestion didn't work. It returned a "Cannot change part of
merged cell" error. However, I took your work and changed it to:

wksTaskSht.Range("tblTasks").Columns(3).Resize(, 2).Style = "Calculated Value"

And that worked. Thanks for the shove in the right direction!

Matthew Pfluger

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