Referring to cells



I am writing a macro that with the use of some code creates charts of some
data avaliable on a spreadsheet. My problem is that the cells that are to be
used for the charts are different every time. I do not know how to refer to a
cell "variably". The problem is that I search the spreadsheet for certain
texts and when found I want them to be e.g. headlines in the chart.

Set rng = Worksheets("Indata").Cells.Find("Date", LookIn:=xlValues)

This cell e.g. how do you refer to it or cells in the same row/column etc.?
rng.Address gives you the adress. but howe.g. loop something with it? what i
want to know is is there any way to get the adress from a cell in a format
that you e.g. can add 1 to the rows or columns?


Dim rng as Range
Dim rng1 as Range
Set rng = Worksheets("Indata").Cells.Find("Date", LookIn:=xlValues)

With Worksheets("Indata")
set rng1 = .Range(rng,rng1.End(xldown))
End With
msgbox rng.Address, rng1.Address

is the next cell below the header

is the next cell the right of the header

negative numbers are up and left

Don Guillett

with your cursor on the sheet desired>insert>name>define>name it
whateveryoulike>in the refers to box
=offset($A$1,0,0,counta($a:$a),6) 'look in help index for OFFSET
in the chart source type in
now the chart will be SELF adjusting.


Range.Offset(rowoffset, columnoffset).
I.e., Range("D6").Offset(-2,3) would be Range("G4"), 2 rows up, 3
columns to the right.
If the values you seek are in the 5 cells below your found cell, the
range to graph would be Range(rng.offset(1,0),rng.offset(6,0))

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