Referencing a VB control on an Excel Cell



Hello all,
Is there a way to reference the value of a VB tool (say a checkbox) on
a cell in Excel? I would like to use it on an "if" function that
prints something on another cell based on the checkbox being checked
or not. As an alternative I can just have Trues or Falses but if I
could use the checkbox it would look neat, also I could do it from a
macro but I don't want to create one if I don't have to....

Thanks in advance! ;)

Jim Thomlinson

The control can link back to a cell but how you do it edpends on what kind of
control it is. If it is a control form the forms toolbar then right click the
control and select Format Control | Control and then add a cell refernce to
the linked cell. If however the control is from the control toolbox then with
the sheet in design mode, right click the Control and select Properties. One
of the properties is Linked Cell. Add a cell reference and you are good to



This is exactly what I was looking for, I can't thank you enough!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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