Recovering .pst files in Outlook 98



I have Outlook 98 installed on a computer with Windows
XP. Works fine except that when I backup the .pst files
using the "Import/Export" function, I can't open the
backuped up files. When I try to open the .pst file saved
onto a CD, I usually get the message, "Outlook\backup.pst
is not a valid Win32 Application". Other times I get
errors messages like, "Access denied, see your system
administrator" or something like that. Is there something
I'm doing wrong in the backup or recovery procedure?

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Make sure the file isn't marked read-only. If it's on a CD, move it to your
hard drive and remove the read-only attribute -- Outlook can't use a .PST
file directly from a CD.

Also, the best way to back up and restore .PST files is to simply copy them
when Outlook is closed and then reopen them using File | Open | Personal
Folders File. Import/export is unnecessary since .PST is Outlook's native
file format, and these processes can cause data loss as well as loss of
settings and customizations. When you "re-use" a .PST file, it should
appear just the same as it ever did.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Did what you suggested. I copied the file to the "C"
drive, verified that the "read only" attribute was
unchecked, and tried to open it from there. Got the same
error message, i.e. "... is not a valid Win32

Any more ideas?

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

In that case the file may have become corrupted during the
backup/import/export processes you tried earlier. Try running the Inbox
Repair Tool against it to see if it finds any errors. Search your drive for
a file called scanpst.exe and run it.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Does any version of Outlook e.g., Outlook 2002, Outlook
2003 use a .pst file directlyn from a CD?

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]


Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Brian Tillman

Did what you suggested. I copied the file to the "C"
drive, verified that the "read only" attribute was
unchecked, and tried to open it from there. Got the same
error message, i.e. "... is not a valid Win32

You won't get "is not a valid Win32 application" unless you tried to run the
PST as an executable. I suspect your used Windows Explorer's File>Open
menu, not Outlook's.


Hi Jocelyn,

If this thread is still open, I really hope you can help.

I backed up my Outlook 2002 and re-formatted my hard drive. When I tried to
import the saved file I get similar error messages to those stated here
previously; Outlook states the file is not a .pst (it is), or I'm denied
access (even though I turned off "read only"). And I've tried all the
proposed solutions mentioned (can't find scanpst.exe on my machine).

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards.

Brian Tillman

richard zaiff said:
I backed up my Outlook 2002 and re-formatted my hard drive.

How did you "backup" OL 2002? What steps did you use. If you exported
anything to a PST, you took the wrong approach. Yuo already *have* a PST.
Why create another? With Outlook stopped, just copy your PST to some
storage medium. All done.
When I
tried to import the saved file I get similar error messages to those
stated here previously; Outlook states the file is not a .pst (it
is), or I'm denied access (even though I turned off "read only").

That's one of the reasons to never import a PST. Use File>Open>Outlook Data
File, browse to the PST, select it, and click OK. All done.
I've tried all the proposed solutions mentioned (can't find
scanpst.exe on my machine).

%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\1033\Scanpst.exe

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