Recovering Outlook 2003 data file from a back up



Tried to recover my Outlook 2003 data file from a DVD back up after hard
drive replaced and all programs reinstalled. When I try to import the file,
I am told it is not a valid .pst file. Upon further checking the properties
of the file, it has the file name extension of .NK2 instead of .pst. The
"Outlook" folder on the back up disk does not have any file that has an
extension of .pst, but this is the only file that says it is an Outlook Data
File and has the right icon for a .pst. How can I recover this data?

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

You only managed to save your autocompletion cache.
If you had saved your Outlook data, it would have a PST extension.
Are you sure you enabled searching for hidden files when you looked?


I Have had a similar problem.... I had Best buy back up
to a DVD and it shows PST file in my search but cannot
find it in Windows Explorer... It says I do not have
access permission..

ANy Suggestions...
-----Original Message-----
You only managed to save your autocompletion cache.
If you had saved your Outlook data, it would have a PST extension.
Are you sure you enabled searching for hidden files when you looked?

Russ Valentine
Tried to recover my Outlook 2003 data file from a DVD back up after hard
drive replaced and all programs reinstalled. When I try to import the
I am told it is not a valid .pst file. Upon further checking the
of the file, it has the file name extension of .NK2 instead of .pst. The
"Outlook" folder on the back up disk does not have any file that has an
extension of .pst, but this is the only file that says it is an Outlook
File and has the right icon for a .pst. How can I
recover this data?


Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

What do you mean? How can Windows Explorer tell you don't have permission to
open a file it can't find? Clarify your post.
Are you certain you moved your files to a hard drive and removed their read
only attribute?
Russ Valentine
Ron said:
I Have had a similar problem.... I had Best buy back up
to a DVD and it shows PST file in my search but cannot
find it in Windows Explorer... It says I do not have
access permission..

ANy Suggestions...
-----Original Message-----
You only managed to save your autocompletion cache.
If you had saved your Outlook data, it would have a PST extension.
Are you sure you enabled searching for hidden files when you looked?

Russ Valentine
Tried to recover my Outlook 2003 data file from a DVD back up after hard
drive replaced and all programs reinstalled. When I try to import the
I am told it is not a valid .pst file. Upon further checking the
of the file, it has the file name extension of .NK2 instead of .pst. The
"Outlook" folder on the back up disk does not have any file that has an
extension of .pst, but this is the only file that says it is an Outlook
File and has the right icon for a .pst. How can I
recover this data?


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