Recovering Old Defualt Programs



Is there way to reinstall the programs that came with vista as defualt. I am
having a problem with Windows Media Player and it has dissapeared. I have a
recovery disk, i have tried going to recovery manager thenadvanced options.
Then reinstall programs, but as i didnt uninstall WMP it isnt shown there. Is
there away i can install anyone again or the whole lot withought reinstalling

Thanks in advance

Mark L. Ferguson

It depends on what exactly is gone. Click the start orb, and enter:
"%systemdrive%/Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /prefetch:1
If it hits the player, click that hit. A shortcut can be put anywhere you
want it.

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Mark L. Ferguson


Mark L. Ferguson

As a system file, I would think SFC would replace it automatically. If not,
a Repair setup of Vista would do it, depending on what features are included
in your "System Recovery" options.
See the help and support entry on 'system recovery'
SFC article:
Some Windows Vista functions may not work, or Windows Vista may stop
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Mark L. Ferguson



Ok thanks, i will try that now. So you are saying this should replace lots
lost folders to make it work as i still think it is on the system. Not sure.


It has finished the scan and placed the folder back with all the files but
the Active X plugin isnt working it just shows a red cross, is there anyway
of getting that to work, Thanks.

zachd [MSFT]

How did you get into this state? When the files were deleted, that would
probably have broken things really effectively.

Can you System Restore back to before this horribleness?

If you look up "WMP11.assocfile.wma" on ,
there's a way to reregister the player on Vista there. Does that help the
WMP issue?

But the real key is: how did you get into this state? You could potentially
cobble yourself back together, but if chunks of your file system are
missing, you're kind of needing to do either a System Restore or an OS
reinstall. Anything short of that is just going to be bad patch-work, since
there's no rational way those files should have been *able* to disappear in
the first place. =\

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