Recovering Deleteed Files



1. Working in PPT and mad many changes to proposal I was working on.
2. IN View menu clicked on "notes View". System swithched to Word. Made a
few changes but decided not to keep them. X'd out of word to go back to the
PPT program. System asked me if I wanted to keep changes and I thought it
was referring to the few changes I had attempted in Word. I clicked on no.
3. Went back to my PPT and the two hours of work that I had been doing is
all erased.
4. Went to system restore to take the system back to 15 prior to when I
lost my changes. Did not recover the files.

Is there anyway to recover the changes that I had worked on for two hours
and accidently deleted in when I x'd out of Word? If not, my Poison of
Choice is Hemlock!


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