"recovered from serious error"



When I turn on computer - first thing I get is message
that Windows has recovered from serious error and an offer
to send error report. When I look at contents this is
what is there to send: C:\WINNT\minidump\mini081604-
01.dmp and C:DOCUME~1\owner\locals~1\temp\WER24.tmp.dir00
\sysdata.xml (give or take, I'm reading my scribble to
type this here). This has occured each time I start
computer, and by now I've had WER26, 29 and 28, until
today it was letter F there I think. When I choose to
send report, AOL comes up to connect and once report is
sent, a window opens to Microsoft Online Crash Analysis -
stating Error Caused by Device Driver and that "we cannot
determine precise cause." Of course I don't know what I'm
doing or what's caused this, and how to fix it before it's
a much more serious problem. Anxiously waiting to get a
response. Thanks so much!


Minidumps are usually related to lack of virtual-memory,or ram memory.
With a driver problem,one has failed or is probably corrupt.If xp starts,
(try tapping F8 at turning on computer or restart,select,safe-mode with
networking,enter as ADM.,open event viewer in ADM.(control-panel),click
on a warning/error,then click on the url for it,this opens help/support in xp
usually with a fix or answer.You should also go to run,type:cmd In cmd type:
CHKDSK C: /F Then restart computer,also device mgr might have a yellow
exclamation point on a piece of hardware.

Kaylene aka Taurarian

Resources for Troubleshooting Startup Problems in Windows XP

You Receive a "System Has Recovered from a Serious Error" Message After Every

Error Message: The System Has Recovered from a Serious Problem

Windows XP Patch: System Recovery Error Appears After Every Reboot

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