RecordSet Edit Method



I have created a rather complex database (Access 2000 File System) and run it
under Access 2000 on one PC. On another PC I run it under Access 2003.
The program runs OK on either PC but compilation fails when I try to compile
under Access2003.

The compilation problem occurs when it encounters a recordset.edit with the
message "Method or data member not found"
If I replace the statement "Dim rs as Recordset" with "Dim rs as Object",
then compilation runs fine but then I get misterious failures when I actually
run the program.
Nowhere in the the whole system I make specific references to DAO or ADO or
Jet Engine, because I am not at all clear which ones should be invoked, if

The help of this estimeed community is really appreciated.
Thank you.
The statements to instantiate and run the recordsets are typical, as shown

Dim db as Database
Dim rs as Recordset

Set db = currentDB()
Set rs = db.OpenRecorset ("DBLocation") = publicPath '(publicPath is a
global variable).

rs.Fields("DBLocation") = publicPath


Enable the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Library in the application .. and alter this line:

Dim rs as Recordset

Change it to:

Dim rs as DAO.Recordset

R. Hicks


Thank you very much for such a prompt response.
I did what you suggested and the application compiled just fine.
As you guessed I am a bit confused between the various DAO, ADO and Jet
Could you point me to some knowledge base clarifying when/how to invoke and
refer to each?
Thank you again.

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