Records based on users?




In Access 2003, I see that you can create users, and restrict them to
certain forms, queries, etc. Is it possible for you to set each user so
that they can only see information that is related to their username?

I am trying to design a database that connects through MyODBC to an
MySQL database, and I want to give the MS Access frontend to a bunch of
different store locations. All connect to the same MySQL database, but I
wanted each store to ONLY see that information related to their store,
and not be able to see the other stores (such as their orders ,etc). Is
such a feature possible?


I routinely use an unbound startup form that opens with the program:
and something like the following in the on open event:

Dim USER As DAO.Recordset
Set USER = Me.RecordsetClone
USER.FindFirst "[UniqueName or ID] = '" & Me.txtUSER & "'"
If USER.NoMatch Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "whatever", acNormal
DoCmd.OpenForm "whatever2", acNormal
End If
DoCmd.Close acForm, "startup"

The above references a table if the IDs and the name of the forms I want
each to have.

ID form

Hope this gives you a start

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