"Record Too Large Error"



I am receiving a “record to large†error on a table, which contains 970
records. This error is affecting how that information is pulled into the
reports and forms. It is not allowing me to change the data in the fields or
rows due to the error. I have set the fields to limit the actual amount of
data or spaces being pulled into those certain fields.

How do I correct my table so that I do not get the error? Are there a
maximum number of rows a table can contain? Please advise.


A DataTable? A Sql variable table?

Are you using DotNet, which framework version?

Reports? Crystal Reports? You homegrown reports?

Your post is the equivalent of

"My car is making an noise (I think) somewhere in the front part of the car,
do you know what is wrong with my car?"


Jeroen Mostert

Jenn said:
I am receiving a “record to large†error on a table, which contains 970
records. This error is affecting how that information is pulled into the
reports and forms. It is not allowing me to change the data in the fields or
rows due to the error. I have set the fields to limit the actual amount of
data or spaces being pulled into those certain fields.

How do I correct my table so that I do not get the error? Are there a
maximum number of rows a table can contain? Please advise.
Here's good advice: post to a more appropriate newsgroup. This newsgroup is
for general .NET discussion. What the issue with your specific database
technology may be is unclear, but it's probably nothing to do with .NET.

For Microsoft Access forms, try microsoft.public.access.forms. But before
even that, try Google. Your problem seems to have been encountered (and
solved) many times before.


Thank you for your assistance. My apologies; I am new to asking questions
here. I was able to find the correct section regarding Access databases. I
thought this post was for general questions being it's titled Discussions in
General Discussions but I thought wrong. Thanks again for everything.

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