Record Locking Error



I have a database running on Access 2000 and it is utlised by several users.
The record lock is used on the form (edited records) to prevent users
updating data on the same item. This was working fine for a week however,
today the users were finding records locked that no-one was editing. It
appears the whole table is locking whenever a user edits one record. I have
checked under tools ---> options of the whole DB as well as the properties
of the form and there is nothing to suggest the cuurent settings should make
the form operate any other way than record locking the edited data only. Any
help on this problem would be appreciated as it has stalled productivity in
the workplace as all work is stored in the DB.


Ask everyone to log out then run Compact and Repair under
Tools Menu. We run this daily with our mult-users dbs.
Be sure that people are exiting the dbs properly.
Read MS artile 208778 on ldb (locking) files.

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