Record Lock



I have a form that I set the property, no edits, no delete, and no additions.
I also created a command button to allow the above when clicked. How can I
have this command button check a field (which I would liike to enter a
password, so not just anyone can press the button) if the record is locked?
If the field equals aaa then unlock record.



on the form current event:

me.AllowEdits = false

on the code for the command button, if the password is right -->
me.AllowEdits = true

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at


That's my problem. How can I enter a value in the field (the one the command
button will check) if it locked?



instead of using a form control, use InputBox in your code...

put this on a command button

dim mPassword as string

mPassword = InputBox("Enter the password")

if len(trim(mPassword)) = 0 then
exit sub
end if

if mPassword = "aaa" then
me.AllowEdits = true
end if


Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at


That works great. How can I make that input box be in a password(*****)
format? Also, if they enter the wrong password, I would like it to say,
"wrong password, try again"

Thanks for your help.


yes, you can, but you cannot use inputbox, you must use a form...

make an unbound form:
Name --> usys_pw
Caption --> Enter Password
RecordSelectors --> No
NavigationButtons --> No
DividingLines --> No
AutoResize --> Yes
AutoCenter --> yes
Popup --> yes
Modal --> yes


textbox -->
Name --> EnterP
InputMask --> Password

Label_Prompt -->
Caption: Enter Password

code behind form:


Private Sub EnterP_AfterUpdate()
SetRight (Me.EnterP)
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Len(Nz(Me.OpenArgs)) = 0 Then
Me.Label_Prompt.Caption = "Enter Password"
Me.Label_Prompt.Caption = Me.OpenArgs
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub


when you want to use it:

DoCmd.OpenForm "usys_pw", , , , , acDialog, _
"Enter Password to Edit"

If Not GetPW() Then
msgbox "You may not edit the record", , "Incorrect password"

'if this is on the Open event of a form
Cancel = True

Exit Sub
End If

"Enter Password to Edit" --> or whatever you want the prompt be be if
other then "Enter Password"

in a general module:


Dim gBooPW As Boolean

Function SetPW()
gBooPW = False
End Function

Function GetPW() As Boolean
GetPW = gBooPW
End Function

Function SetRight(pPW) As Boolean
gBooPW = IIf(Nz(pPW) = "yourpassword", True, False)
End Function

ie: "yourpassword" -- "aaa"


note: I prefaced the formname with "usys" (user system -- like Msys --
Microsoft system) because it will only display if system objects are
checked under Tools, Options, View tab -- which, usually, they aren't

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at


es, you can, but you cannot use inputbox, you must use a form...

make an unbound form:
Name --> usys_pw
Caption --> Enter Password
RecordSelectors --> No
NavigationButtons --> No
DividingLines --> No
AutoResize --> Yes
AutoCenter --> yes
Popup --> yes
Modal --> yes


textbox -->
Name --> EnterP
InputMask --> Password

Label_Prompt -->
Caption: Enter Password

code behind form:


Private Sub EnterP_AfterUpdate()
SetRight (Me.EnterP)
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Len(Nz(Me.OpenArgs)) = 0 Then
Me.Label_Prompt.Caption = "Enter Password"
Me.Label_Prompt.Caption = Me.OpenArgs
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub


when you want to use it:

DoCmd.OpenForm "usys_pw", , , , , acDialog, _
"Enter Password to Edit"

If Not GetPW() Then
msgbox "You may not edit the record", , "Incorrect password"

'if this is on the Open event of a form
Cancel = True

Exit Sub
End If

"Enter Password to Edit" --> or whatever you want the prompt be be if
other then "Enter Password"

in a general module:


Dim gBooPW As Boolean

Function SetPW()
gBooPW = False
End Function

Function GetPW() As Boolean
GetPW = gBooPW
End Function

Function SetRight(pPW) As Boolean
gBooPW = IIf(Nz(pPW) = "yourpassword", True, False)
End Function

ie: "yourpassword" -- "aaa"


note: I prefaced the formname with "usys" (user system -- like Msys --
Microsoft system) because it will only display if system objects are
checked under Tools, Options, View tab -- which, usually, they aren't

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at

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