Record balance controls



I have a Soundblaster Live 5.1 oem audio card. When I open Windows XP
record control mixer window I can adjust the record volume controls just
fine. However I cannot adjust the record balance controls. I can only
adjust the playback balance controls in Windows XP play control mixer

Is this normal for this particular sound card or is there a fix I should be
looking for? I went to the Soundblaster web site and ran the diagnostic
tool to see if my driver as up to date, and it was.

Any help is appreciated


The Windows sound mixer itself is "prepared", you might say, for many
possible functions that a sound card might support. As far as I know, there
has never been a sound card, even premium ones such as the Soundblaster
Audigy, that support balance setting for record mode, or tone control for
mike input, as the dimmed out symbols would imply.


I am referring to the direct stereo linein input. I am using a stereo plug
and can record in stereo, but for some reason I cannot touch the balance
slide bar (which is not grayed out). I checked my pc at work which has a
bare bones on board audio card, and it has the balance controls for
recording enabled.

So, I am wondering if other users who have an OEM soundblaster live 5.1
audio card experienced the same problem as I have, or may there be
something that I can do to iron out this little wrinkle.


I'm surprsed! Yes, my balance controls can be moved, although I've never
checked to see that they actually have an effect, since I've never need that
feature. You may need to update the driver set for the Live! card.
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Driver Needed

I have the same SoundBlaster card and problem you experienced.
Getting to the bottom of it was really frustrating, especially since the SB0100 card is an OEM unit that Creative/SoundBlaster doesn't provide much support for.

I finally found an OEM "Set Up Pack" that had an updated driver that fixed the problem and allows the balance controls to be active. Finding this setup pack was also an exercise in frustration.

Here's the link to a place where you can D/L the set up pack:

Be forewarned, you have to register (for free) at this site before it will allow you to D/L the file which is a self extracting .exe

Hope this helps - especially since it has been a while since you posted your original request for help.


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