Receiving email with VB.NET

  • Thread starter sophocles the wise
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sophocles the wise

I am researching this topic without a satisfactory solution so far.
Please let me know which is the easiest way to receive email using VB
code. All I need is to test source address or subject line for the
right email, and then click a link inside that email.
I've seen some people suggested MAPI component, but it's missing in my
complete components list (not only in the toolbar). But I see an
Outlook Express component, which I suspect is easier to use than
Outlook or CDO objects. Anyway, I am looking for something that will
be available on any machine, and not only on one with Outlook


What is your environment? If you have an exchange server you could use
WebDAV... which does not require Outlook.

Hulla Hoop

Thanks for the reply :)
I am not in Exchange environment. Just regular computer. I need my
application to run on any computer. If Outlook is a must, then let it
be... as soon as I am shown how to access its interface.


Tom Dacon

Check out Abderaware's mail products ( They're .Net
assemblies, and provide what seems to be complete functionality for
receiving email. I've used it to create an email screener for my own use, to
classify spam and delete it before running Outlook to receive my email. You
can download a copy of it, free for personal use, and evaluate it before
purchasing. They've got a whole slew of network products - FTP, SNMP, etc.

Tom Dacon
Dacon Software Consulting

Ken Tucker [MVP]


I converted this c# pop3 mail class to Maybe this will

How to use

Dim mail As New Pop3Mail

mail.Connect("", "user", "password")

For Each msg As Pop3Mail.Pop3Message In mail.List



The class

Imports System.Net.Sockets

Public Class Pop3Mail

Inherits System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient

Public Class Pop3Exception

Inherits System.ApplicationException

Public Sub New(ByVal str As String)


End Sub 'New

End Class 'Pop3Exception

Public Class Pop3Message

Public number As Long

Public bytes As Long

Public retrieved As Boolean

Public message As String

End Class 'Pop3Message

Public Overloads Sub Connect(ByVal server As String, ByVal username As
String, ByVal password As String)

Dim message As String

Dim strResponse As String

Connect(server, 110)

strResponse = Response()

If strResponse.Substring(0, 3) <> "+OK" Then

Throw New Pop3Exception(Response)

End If

message = "USER " + username + vbCr + vbLf


strResponse = Response()

If strResponse.Substring(0, 3) <> "+OK" Then

Throw New Pop3Exception(strResponse)

End If

message = "PASS " + password + vbCr + vbLf


strResponse = Response()

If strResponse.Substring(0, 3) <> "+OK" Then

Throw New Pop3Exception(strResponse)

End If

End Sub 'Connect

Public Sub Disconnect()

Dim message As String

Dim strResponse As String

message = "QUIT" + vbCr + vbLf


strResponse = Response()

If strResponse.Substring(0, 3) <> "+OK" Then

Throw New Pop3Exception(strResponse)

End If

End Sub 'Disconnect

Public Function List() As ArrayList

Dim message As String

Dim strResponse As String

Dim retval As New ArrayList

message = "LIST" + vbCr + vbLf


strResponse = Response()

If strResponse.Substring(0, 3) <> "+OK" Then

Throw New Pop3Exception(strResponse)

End If

While True

strResponse = Response()

If strResponse = "." & vbCr & vbLf Then

Return retval


Dim msg As New Pop3Message

Dim seps As Char() = " ".ToCharArray

Dim values As String() = strResponse.Split(seps)

msg.number = Int32.Parse(values(0))

msg.bytes = Int32.Parse(values(1))

msg.retrieved = False


End If

End While

End Function 'List

Public Function Retrieve(ByVal rhs As Pop3Message) As Pop3Message

Dim message As String

Dim strResponse As String

Dim msg As New Pop3Message

msg.bytes = rhs.bytes

msg.number = rhs.number

message = "RETR " & rhs.number & vbCr & vbLf


strResponse = Response()

If strResponse.Substring(0, 3) <> "+OK" Then

Throw New Pop3Exception(strResponse)

End If

msg.retrieved = True

While True

strResponse = Response()

If strResponse = "." & vbCr & vbLf Then

Exit While


msg.message += strResponse

End If

End While

Return msg

End Function 'Retrieve

Private Sub Write(ByVal message As String)

Dim en As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding

Dim WriteBuffer(1023) As Byte

WriteBuffer = en.GetBytes(message)

Dim stream As NetworkStream = GetStream()

stream.Write(WriteBuffer, 0, WriteBuffer.Length)

Debug.WriteLine("WRITE:" + message)

End Sub 'Write

Public Sub Delete(ByVal rhs As Pop3Message)

Dim message As String

Dim strResponse As String

message = "DELE " & rhs.number & vbCr & vbLf


strResponse = Response()

If strResponse.Substring(0, 3) <> "+OK" Then

Throw New Pop3Exception(strResponse)

End If

End Sub 'Delete

Private Function Response() As String

Dim enc As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding

Dim serverbuff() As Byte = New [Byte](1023) {}

Dim stream As NetworkStream = GetStream()

Dim count As Integer = 0

While True

Dim buff() As Byte = New [Byte](1) {}

Dim bytes As Integer = stream.Read(buff, 0, 1)

If bytes = 1 Then

serverbuff(count) = buff(0)

count += 1

If buff(0) = Asc(vbLf) Then

Exit While

End If


Exit While

End If

End While

Dim retval As String = enc.GetString(serverbuff, 0, count)

Debug.WriteLine("READ:" + retval)

Return retval

End Function 'Response

End Class


I am researching this topic without a satisfactory solution so far.
Please let me know which is the easiest way to receive email using VB
code. All I need is to test source address or subject line for the
right email, and then click a link inside that email.
I've seen some people suggested MAPI component, but it's missing in my
complete components list (not only in the toolbar). But I see an
Outlook Express component, which I suspect is easier to use than
Outlook or CDO objects. Anyway, I am looking for something that will
be available on any machine, and not only on one with Outlook

Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]

Anyway, I am looking for something that will
be available on any machine, and not only on one with Outlook
In addition to the other 3rd party suggestions.

Matthew MacDonald's book "Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Programmer's Cookbook"
from MS Press has a topic on how to retrieve email using POP3, complete with
a sample class.

Hope this helps

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