Receiving Duplicated E-mails - How do I stop it???



I recently switched computers and also upgraded to
Outlook 2002. Unfortunatly my e-mails now seem to remain
on the server indefinitly. I've checked my "Tools,
Options, E-Mail Accounts, Advanced" settings and "Leave
Copy of Message on Server" is NOT checked off. Is there
some other place where I have to tell it to "Delete E-
mail from Server upon Receipt"??? (This is getting
annoying, I'm now receiving 60 e-mails a day, 40 of which
are ones I've read before).


I have a customer who uses AT&T as one of their providers, and has an e-mail account that has this kind of problem

Their symptoms are
Download of messages begins OK, but get an error message relating to timeout prior to completion.
They don't get ALL the e-mail on the server
Help desk says there is an error in one of the e-mails causing this problem, they have on-line help on how to delete th
error message, then download again
After deleting the message causing the hang, all messages are downloaded, and the server deletes all queued messages

The help desk suggested this customer contact the individual sending the error message, and request they refrain from doing this
This customer asked how to ID the sender, since they only knew the number of the message that was hanging, and had to delete it prior to receiving it, thus had no idea how to contact the sender. We are still waiting for a reply as to
how to id the sender

HTH - the only way to know for sure is that each time you try to download, you get the same number of messages, then the error message. Sorry, I don't remember what it was, but the next time this customer gets it, I will recognize it

Good luck

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