Rearranging Programs list



Executed Start / Programs and got a list that showed all programs.
I was attempting to rearrange these programs alphabetically and accidently
moved it over to my desktop. Now the program folder is showing on my desktop
and I don't know how to get it to show back up when i click Start / Programs.

I have had this happen once before and I can't remember how I solved it.

HP 7975 Intel Pentuim 4 CPU 2.00 GHz
CPU speed 1992 MHz RAM 1GB
Microsoft Windows XP Home
SP 2
I.E 6
All Microsoft updates applied.
Outlook 2003

Vinod Chandramouli

Drag and drop the programs folder into the following path.

C:\Documents and Settings\<<username>>\Start Menu.

That should get the programs back into the start menu

Vinod Chandramouli


TGMcCallie said:
Executed Start / Programs and got a list that showed all programs.
I was attempting to rearrange these programs alphabetically and accidentally
moved it over to my desktop. Now the program folder is showing on my desktop
and I don't know how to get it to show back up when I click Start / Programs.

I have had this happen once before and I can't remember how I solved it.


An immediate Ctrl/Z would have un-done the move; it may be too late for
that correction now.

You can drag the folder to the Start button, hover till the Start menu
opens, and hover your way to wherever you want to drop it.

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