Reading Data from another workbook... depending on variable in a cell?


Rob Moyle

I'm hoping this is possible (if it is, not sure how easy it is!), and
I'm really hoping that someone can help!

I have some workbooks that contain information regarding clients
details, status, yearly spend, etc - general information. Each workbook
is saved as the particular client's customer code/number - eg. ABC
Company Pty will be ABC.xls, whereas XYZ Corporation would be XYZ.xls

What I want to do is this - have a separate "summary" workbook that
summarises different bits of information in each of the client
workbooks. For example, lists the client's current spend level.

I know I can put in a formula in the workbook referring to
"=[ABC.xls]Sheet1!$B$1" to return the value in B1 on ABC.xls.

What I need is for the system to read the client code on the summary
workbook and return the value on the workbook that refers to that
client code.

That is, if I enter "ABC" into Cell A2 of the summary workbook, have
the system return the value from "[????.xls]Sheet1!$B$1" where "????"
is the value in Cell A2... does this make sense to anyone but me?

Hopefully so - if I've confused the issue let me know and I'll try to
explain again... otherwise, can anyone help? :)


(aka "Tired and Frustrated")



What you need is the INDIRECT function. Assuming the client code (and
workbook name) is in cell A2 of the summary sheet, then your formula


Beware, it will often need the source workbooks to be open, otherwise
you will get an error value.

Kostis Vezerides

Rob Moyle


Thanks HEAPS for that - if I'd known it was that simple I would have
searched the Excel Help - cheers!

And while I'm here - here's to a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that posts
formulae, coding, scripting, etc to the questions on this site. You've
helped me (and plenty of others) a number of times - you're all



Rob Moyle


Thanks HEAPS for that - if I'd known it was that simple I would have
searched the Excel Help - cheers!

And while I'm here - here's to a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that posts
formulae, coding, scripting, etc to the questions on this site. You've
helped me (and plenty of others) a number of times - you're all



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