reading a string in a png image file



I have no idea where to start with trying to figure this out so ...

I am using the dos copy /b function to append two files together (a
png file and a text file). The text file contains some information
relative to the png file (sort of like metadata I guess).

I need to run a macro that inserts the png file into a worksheet
(which i already can do) that also scans the png file for the appended
data contained in the text file and places it in predetermined cells
on the worksheet.

If someone could please point me in the right direction.



You can't read the info from the text file?
Lot's of items to search through on extracting from a text file and
putting into excel.


I only want to keep track of one file and not worry that the 2 files
are always in the correct location. The appended png file will be sent
to others to use.

Everything I found seems to be looking at the file in lines and the
png file does not seem to have any carriage returns like a text file -
maybe i'm not searching on the correct terms.

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