'Read-only' Problems Driving Me Crazier Than Usual


Harry Krause

I am the "administrator" on my VISTA system. That is, I am the
administrator under my own name. I log on on that name, along with my

I have certain directories I moved to a new hard drive. Those
directories contain all my WORD files. When I use WORD to recall one of
those files, make a change and try to save the file again, I get the
damned READ-ONLY error. I have tried going in through EXPLORER to change
the attributes of those folders and those files. The change does not take.

But if I log on as ADMINISTRATOR, I can change the attributes. But
they're only changed as long as I am logged on as ADMINISTRATOR. If I
log on again under my own name (and I am an administrator), the files
revert back to READ-ONLY.

There must be a solution here that allows me to change the attributes of
these files when I am logged on as me under my own name. But I cannot
figure it out.

Anyone? Ferris? Ferrus Bueller? :>}

Marcin Domaslawski

Perhaps your problem is caused by permissions if you have NTFS file system
there. Check permission to whole disk (right mouse, properties and security
tab) and try to set full access to all contents (subdirectories too) to your
user. If you will not have rights enough - take ownership on that disk

Marcin Domaslawski

Harry Krause

By George...that may have done it. I'll report back after I reboot and
see if the changes "stick." Thanks...

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