Re: Running dual sound cards with XP


Alvin A Brown


Give this a try, remove the card that you installed and the softeware
and put your pc back to where it was before you installed the card,
address that issue first, and then re-install the new card and go from
there. Fix one problem 1st.


Jared D.

I can give that a try, but wouldn't that just put me right
back to where I was from the beginning? My original on-
board card worked fine before the install of the new one.
Why would it be any different the second time around?

I would suspect that once I get it back to where it once
was, the installation of the new card would simply cause
the original to be disabled again.

Any other suggestions?

Alvin A Brown


Well seems like before you installed the nw card all was fine, and
it could be a conflict or it could be that when you install the software

for your new card it overwrites some files causing your original card
not to work. So to some degree your in a no win situation.

Give this a try, not saying it will help, but worth a try, disable the
card. then install the new card and make sure that is working, and then
enable your internal card and see what happens. If you still have the
problem, then it's possible the 2 cards and not compatible with each
to some degree.

Another option, disable the internal card, and buy another sound card
go through the process just am idea to try


Marno van der Molen


I partly agree with you. But i dont think this is a
Windows XP problem. The most obvious cause for this is
that as soon as you Mainboard finds an Audio Card in one
of the PCI slots, it disables its OnBoard card, so it
doesnt cost any performance. ( 2 soundcards costs more
CPU than 1 ! ) So, in a way, it makes sence. You should
check in you BIOS to see if this is true. I dont know
what bios you are running, but when you start your pc you
should see a message saying: Press ? to enter Setup. Most
of the time this is F2 or Delete. Just look at all the
options in the bios to see if it says anything about
sound. If this is not the case, an IRQ Conflict could
also be the problem, but i'm not sure about that.

Good Luck!
-- Marno

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