Re-creating my contacts folder


Timothy Mark

For some reason my contacts folder started behaving like a pictures folder
and could no longer import .csv files etc. So, in haste I deleted it and
tried to create a new one, but it just behaves like an ordinary folder and
not like the 'special' contacts folder...

Gary VanderMolen

Open Contacts, right-click somewhere in that empty white space,
select Customize This Folder, click the little triangle, then Contacts,
then Apply, OK, then close the Contacts window and open it again.


There was no need to delete the Contacts folder. It occasionally switched
to a different template.
To switch to the correct template..
Organize - Properties - Customize
in the pull-down box, select Contacts

but, to try to get your correct folder back, try this..
close the Contacts folder
click on the Start button - in the Start Search box, type shell:contacts

Timothy Mark

Thanks. I assume that you mean the little triangle under folder template. I
tried this previously, but the only options it gives me are: "All Items,
Documents, Pictures and Videos, Music Details and Music Icons"


Timothy Mark

Thanks - before deleting the folder I had tried to customize it but the
option wasn't there. Typing shell:contacts seems to have done the trick -
much appreciated.

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