

Dennis Bair

how do you get the rc2? I have the rc1 5600 build am I going to get the upgrade soon ? Thanks Dennis

nicholas hall

You must have had your head in the sand Dennis as windows vista has gone
final and as such no more (OLD) betas will be able to be downloaded.
If I where you I would pop down to your local computer store and pay for the
final version.


P.S what is wrong with posting plain text. Did you think you would get more
replies if you posted in HTML using large type ???

how do you get the rc2? I have the rc1 5600 build am I going to get the
upgrade soon ? Thanks Dennis

Jane C

You cannot. RC2 is no longer available to download.

You may, however, buy the final retail version from your local pc store or


Not unless you buy it
how do you get the rc2? I have the rc1 5600 build am I going to get the upgrade soon ? Thanks Dennis

Spanky McFly

I heard that they are just coming out with XP. RC2 is still years away. Go back to drinking.

how do you get the rc2? I have the rc1 5600 build am I going to get the upgrade soon ? Thanks Dennis

Spanky McFly

So you haven't even browsed the news group here? There are over 30,000 messages. DUH!

how do you get the rc2? I have the rc1 5600 build am I going to get the upgrade soon ? Thanks Dennis

Lang Murphy

you can't be serious...
how do you get the rc2? I have the rc1 5600 build am I going to get the upgrade soon ? Thanks Dennis


It may be a silly question, but there really is no difference
between RC2 and RTM.... except for RC2's time bomb.


you can't be serious...
how do you get the rc2? I have the rc1 5600 build am I going to get the upgrade soon ? Thanks


It may be a silly question, but there really is no difference
between RC2 and RTM.... except for RC2's time bomb.
I am pretty sure there were some differences in the code between RC2
and RTM....


BSchnur said:
I am pretty sure there were some differences in the code between RC2
and RTM....

Sure, their are some differences. Nothing most users would ever
notice performance wise. The total amount of known/admitted bugs in RC2
barely dropped in RTM.



Sure, their are some differences. Nothing most users would ever
notice performance wise. The total amount of known/admitted bugs in RC2
barely dropped in RTM.
I recall a Microsoft rep doing a Vista presentation last fall -- using
RC2 and not being all that thrilled with it -- said RC1 was somewhat
more stable, perhaps as a function of things added in with RC2 that
were 'young'...

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