rates for Excel application development consultants



I just received a call from a colleague for which I don't have an answer and
so thought I'd turn here. My colleague is looking to hire a consultant in
the New York City area to develop an Excel-based reporting tool that
interacts with a SQL Server back end or Access front end db.

The context would be finance, specifically, derivatives pricing and
analysis, if that matters.

Anyone have any idea what kind of rates consultants charge for this type of




Hourly rates can vary from $30 to $200

The idea is to find somebody with a good backgroud in finance who is
also good with Excel and VBA. You also need somebody who can use SQL
within Excel.

That will cost you over $100

You don't just hire an expert in Excel (just out of school) who will
not be part of your development project. You are looking for somebody
who will enrich your thought process with his experience in finance.

Good luck

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