Range of columns



I have that problem (excuse me for my english)..
Why in sheet "me" I can use:

.Range(Columns(15), Columns(17)).Hidden = False

and in another sheets can't I?
I used a For cycle to do it!

For k = 18 To 20
.Columns(k).Hidden = False

Is there another way to hidden a range of columns in another sheets?
How can I hidden that columns(15,16,17 e 21) in another sheets wit
only row of code?

ToggleButton3.Caption = "Nascondi Previsioni"
With Me
.Range(Columns(15), Columns(17)).Hidden = False
.Range(Columns(6), Columns(7)).Hidden = True
.Columns(22).Hidden = False
.Columns(18).Hidden = True
.ToggleButton4.Visible = True
End With
For i = 4 To 12
For k = 18 To 20
For t = 6 To 8
With Sheets(i)
.Columns(k).Hidden = False
.Columns(t).Hidden = True
.Columns(25).Hidden = False
.ToggleButton2.Visible = True
End With

Dave Peterson

You can hide columns on another sheet with something like:

worksheets("sheet99").range("o1:q1,s1").entirecolumn.hidden = true

Columns o:q and s will be hidden.

I'm kind of lost with your code, but in general, if you're working with a
different sheet, it's better to fully qualify your ranges:

with worksheets("sheet99")
.Range(.Columns(15), .Columns(17)).Hidden = False
end with

Note the dots in front of .range and both .columns.

If you leave those dots off, then columns(15) will refer to the activesheet (if
the code is in a General module) or it will refer to the sheet owning the
code--if it's in a worksheet module.

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